Watson Alarms adopted festive mascot Elfis has been busy adding some festive cheer around the office!
As we approach the end of 2022 and recognise that another 12 months have passed at a `blink of an eye` we would like to take this opportunity to recap on a very busy year at Watson Alarms.
During the past year we have added Richard, Oliver and Darren to Team Watson and hope to bring exciting news on further additions in 2023.
The long-term future has also laid with Andrew and Samantha becoming Partners in the business and ensuring the Family ownership continues into another generation of the Watson Clan.
In August we moved into our new premises and although work still continues behind the screens, we are all loving our new base in Ellon town centre.
On the business front it has overall been a positive period albeit challenging whilst still recovering from the pandemic and other more recent national and worldwide factors which continue to have a major bearing on all costs associated with the business.
All these positive news items are only possible due to the continued business provided by our loyal and extensive customer base and as well as the hard work, commitment and dedication of all of the Team Watson members of staff which is very much recognised and appreciated.
Watson Alarms and Elfis would like to take this opportunity to wish all our Customers and Staff a Merry Christmas and all the very best for 2023.
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